From Aaron and Brian, Orgspace Co-Founders

Remember the movie Moneyball? The one where the team with the lowest payroll outperforms teams with eight times the budget? You are David to their Goliath. The reason that most successful companies are born in recessions is that constraints drive real tradeoffs, forcing you to focus on what matters. In 2023, if you're not capital-efficient, you're dead.
Orgspace is people software built for builders. Builders who spend time with team members every single day. Builders who know their people best. Builders who have direct responsibility for results.

At this stage, people costs are often one of the most significant. Orgspace plans scenarios so you can model contingencies on the path to profitability. Need to extend runway, plan for the A round you are about to close, or do a significant pivot? We can help.
The best part? Orgspace is free for all companies with under 30 headcount.

Congrats - you are so big now you can't keep it all in your head. At the very moment where you need a system to know skills, manage career ladders, and plan for cost scenarios - you are burdened with systems that do none of those things.
Twist listeners get $2000 of account credit in addition to a one month no risk trial.

You should not be burdened with an HRIS migration just because you grew into a prosperous company. We can have you up and running, including things like complex career ladders and team configurations in hours, not months.
Our pricing is transparent: $6 per month per employee, no BS or gotchas like "API access extra".
We do staff planning, skill tracking, career ladders, org chart lenses and filtering, scenario planning for restructuring/growth/layoffs, and people cost analysis. We integrate with over 30 HRIS providers. We have a secure API that allows you to build workflows such as ticket routing based on skill data. And if you need to draft your change announcement, we even have a GPT-3 powered reorg announcement generator, just in case you want to do a reorg announcement in the form of a Homerian Epic.
If you'd like to learn more, feel free to book time with us. And of course, you're always welcome to take our product for a spin - 30 day trial, no credit card required.